Mathematics Münster

Dynamics - Geometry - Structure

Mathematics is a key technology for scientific and economic progress. New discoveries in mathematics are not only interesting in themselves, but they often lead to unexpected breakthroughs in other sciences as well.

We will tackle fundamentally important mathematical problems, viewing mathematics as an organic whole with countless interactions. The research in our Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster" is unified by three major approaches: focusing on the underlying structure of a given problem, taking the geometric viewpoint and studying the relevant dynamics of group or semigroup actions. The theories which we will build will not only solve the problems under consideration but also many others of a similar nature; these theories will also raise exciting new questions.

Public event
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

Girls go Mathematics!

Girls' Day am 25. April 2024

Wir freuen uns, dass uns am 25. April 2024, dem bundesweiten Girls' Day, 27 Schülerinnen besuchen, um die Berufswelt von Mathematikerinnen kennenzulernen. Das abwechslungsreiche Programm von 9 bis 15 Uhr beinhaltet eine Schnuppervorlesung von Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens, eine Rallye quer durch den Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik mit Besuch der Stochastik-Arbeitsgruppe, Knobelaufgaben, Studien- und Berufsweginformationen - und natürlich einen Mensa-Besuch.


Ada Lovelace Seminar

26 April 2024, 2 pm, room SRZ 216/217

In short scientific presentations, the Ada Lovelace Fellows 2023 will give insights into their research: Zahra Mohammadi Khangheshlaghi "Model Theory and The Free Factor Complex", Hanna Stange "Hyperuniformity and Rigidity of Perturbed Lattices" and Alex Tullini "From elliptic to hyperbolic PDEs: the things I did for the love of black holes". After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas and meet the Fellows in the Common Room.